Qing Dynasty is a traditional festival in China. When I come to this festival, I always think of the poem" Qingming" written by Du Mu: in the Qingming season, there is a lot of rain, and pedestrians on the road want to break their souls. On this day, people all over the country are going to visit the graves of their dead relatives. Family members should be reunited, or worship ancestors to visit tombs, or take a tour of youth.


On this day, my father, mother and relatives went to the cemetery to visit the tomb of my deceased grandfather and mother-in-law. They also carried incense and paper money to climb the mountain. Grandma also bought a bunch of flowers. We put the flowers in front of the tomb of the grand father and the grand mother with sadness. Looking at the tombstones of the dead Taigong and taipo, my mother and I are a little sad. My father told me that Taigong is a kind person and taipo is a kind person. Dad redpainted the words on the tombstones of Taigong and taipo again. In my heart, I told Taigong and taipo in silence: I've grown up, and I'm in grade four. How nice it would be if Taigong and taipo were alive now! I also saw some people nearby burning paper money and others crying. At this time, grandpa also began to burn paper money. Dad rushed to help Grandpa burn paper money. After burning the paper money, grandma offered us a glass of wine. We made a deep bow in front of Grandpa's grave and said," I wish grandpa and grandma a safe life in heaven."


How I like Qingming Festival. Because on this day, we can send some gifts to the relatives who have passed away to show their respect.








关于清明节的英语作文600字带翻译 清明时节雨纷纷,路上行人欲断魂。一听到这首杜牧的诗,就让我想起了清明节。 A drizzling rain falls like tears on the Mourning Day; The mourners heart is going to



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