关于战疫英语作文怎么写 共同战疫我们在行动的高中英语作文600字范文带翻译


Novel coronavirus was broken when the year of the year of the first generation of the family was reunion and laughter. The virus engulfed nearly 100 people's lives, making almost all large and medium-sized cities become empty cities, and the tertiary industry almost stopped. But no matter how dangerous the epidemic is, there will always be you, dressed in protective clothing," regardless of pay, regardless of life and death", standing on the front line of the epidemic. Maybe I don't know who you are, but I will remember who you are for and how beautiful you are. How beautiful you are. Beauty is coming forward. No matter what time is quiet, it's just someone who carries the weight for us; no matter what time is peaceful, it's just that we live in a peaceful country; no angel in white, it's just a group of ordinary people, but you have responsibilities and love at the moment. A letter of invitation full of red fingerprints is not only the pledge of" if there is a war, call back, and win", but also the responsibility of the family and country of the medical staff who take saving the dead and helping the wounded as their duty. Your coming forward will undoubtedly set an example for us to learn from.


How beautiful you are. Beauty is selfless. There are indentation of the face, sweat wrinkled hands, lying on the ground at will to rest the body...... in the battlefield without smoke of gunpowder, a scene of your silhouette, affecting the hearts of the people. We are here to celebrate the new year, but you are helping us to pass the customs. You have given up the time of family reunion for the sake of the safety and health of more of us. You are also a father, mother, son and daughter, but you can put on the isolation clothes, give up your family and serve everyone in the time of national crisis. Your selfless dedication shows us noble professional ethics.


How beautiful you are. Beauty inherits the spirit. In 2003, academician Zhong Nanshan, 84, who was fighting against SARS, once again led the army and rushed to Wuhan for the first time. Among the medical teams in Shanxi Province, Wang Weiguo, 66, sent his daughter Wang Ting on the plane to Wuhan. Seventeen years ago, grandma sent Wang Weiguo, who is also a doctor, to fight against SARS. She Sha, a 24-year-old nurse, was a survivor of the Wenchuan earthquake in 2008. She took the initiative to ask for war because she was from Wenchuan. Time has changed our face, but it can't change the great love in the world. The spirit of fighting against the epidemic has been passed down from generation to generation. I believe that we will be able to overcome the difficulties as we have in the past. Your spirit of inheritance has strengthened our belief that we will win.


As the candidates for the 2020 college entrance examination, we can't strive to be on the front line like you and make contributions to the motherland, but please rest assured that, inspired by your spirit, we will speed up our study in this period of time, fight the battle of college entrance examination well, realize our own value in the future life path, and continue to shine.


If winter comes, will spring be far behind? I hope that when spring is warm and blooming, we can all achieve our goals. All the injuries you have suffered in this epidemic can become your medals and make your beautiful faces brighter.






2020年的春节,大家应该都过得比较沉重,期待的寒假仿佛成了这个冬天的恶魔,无形地威胁着每个人的生命。 In the Spring Festival of 2020, everyone should live a heavy life. The expected winter vacatio






寒假中旬,便迎来了春节。和家人聚一下餐、收一些红包,和好朋友结伴出行,是再好不过的放松方式了。吃一顿年夜饭,往年那浓浓的年味,令我们久久不能忘怀。 In the middle of win



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2020,我们正式进入了21世纪的20年代,告别10年代的我们无疑都已经成长了。但新年已至,本该亲戚间开心聚会并充满欢声笑语的日子里却充满了阴霾。 In 2020, we have officially entered the









听说,在武大看一场人海,是每一朵樱花的梦想。 It is said that to see a sea of people in Wuda is the dream of every cherry blossom. 已经记不清是从哪一刻开始,离武汉952公里的榆社小城里平静而安宁

新高考-高中作文-英语作文-关于战疫英语作文怎么写 共同战疫我们在行动的高中英语作文600字范文带翻译

